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Ranch Services

Want to buy and finish your own calf but don’t have the facilities or pasture? Let us help… We offer “ranch services” so you can buy your own calf at weaning age (or one of ours) and we’ll background it until it’s at least 18 months old then finish it according to your preferences including non-GMO, grass-finished, grain finished or finished with our custom ration. And, we will be there every step of the way. If you have the time and freezer space, this is a very (or even the most) economical option to put healthy beef on your plate. Below are our charges for Ranch Services -

Pasture Boarding per Month - $25
Finish Boarding per Month - $75 (using our finishing ration)
Livestock Transportation - $0.50 / mile

For more information on this Premium Texas Meats service, email us or call us today.
(281) 250-4556

Consider our current calf inventory.